
Consultation on learning mobility closed

Learning mobility is a key element of the European Education Area (EEA), the EU’s shared vision for education. The feedback deriving from the consultation will serve the European Commission as an evidence-based source to prepare the proposal for a Council Recommendation on updating the framework for learning mobility announced in the EU Work Programme for the fourth quarter of 2023. The consultation package included an Online Survey, a Citizens’ Forum and a Study.

The European Citizens’ Forum on Learning Mobility (link) took place from March until the end of April 2023 and was based on three discussion rounds. The ideas put forward by 150 randomly selected citizens resulted in 21 concrete recommendations (link) devoted to facilitating cross-border mobility of learners, teachers and teaching/training staff. The Citizens’ Forum recommends a more balanced distribution of Erasmus+ places among the countries participating in the programme, a stronger incentivisation of green, low-cost travel, and an increase in the number of English-language courses offered.

The Online Survey received 408 responses from EU citizens (42%), universities and higher education institutions (25%), NGOs, public authorities, businesses, business associations and other organisations at national and European level. About one in three responses (34%) came from Spain, 49 (12%) from Germany.

The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) submitted a report (link) based on a previous survey of its member organisations in which DAAD also participated. ACA formulates recommendations for Europe’s future work on mobility in higher education, based on three overarching principles: (i) diversity in terms of mobility types and opportunities, and the inclusion of diverse target groups (the recommendations presented, such as an adjustment of scholarship rates in the face of rising costs of living, are in line with the recently published Erasmus+ Inclusion Strategy of the NA DAAD; Link) (ii) openness of European mobility programmes to all countries, especially in Europe and with the closest partners, such as Switzerland, (iii) the need to ensure that mobility programmes are open to all countries. e.g. Switzerland, (iii) flexibility of funding mechanisms in response to unforeseen crises, conflicts and natural disasters. ACA points to the experience of humanitarian programmes to support vulnerable students, such as the Hilde Domin Programme of DAAD (link) and corresponding programmes from Norway and Poland, as a basis for further targeted action and coordination at European level.

From the perspective of the European Students’ Union (ESU), more sustainable and flexible mobility options as well as improved access to learning mobility programmes are needed to make learning mobility a reality for all (link). The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) also submitted a statement (link). ETUCE advocates from a trade union perspective for the implementation of the Council Conclusion to firmly embed mobility in teacher education and training in the Member States.

As part of the consultation package, the European Commission has also carried out a study, “Supporting learning mobility: progress, obstacles and way forward”, analysing data on the progress, incentives and obstacles to learning mobility in the EU, used as an additional source of evidence for its recommendations to promot cross-border mobility within EU programmes and beyond.

At the end of June 2023, the EU Commission will publish a summary report on the results of the consultation. The updated framework will replace the 2011 Council Recommendation “Youth on the Move – Promoting the learning mobility of young people”. Adoption of the Council Recommendation is targeted for the first quarter of 2024 by the Belgian Presidency.


Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked