
Inclusive Excellence - a Global Approach for European Higher Education?

This year’s Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) annual membership event, jointly hosted by DAAD, Vluhr, DZS-CZELO and HK-dir, focuses on inclusive excellence as a characteristic feature and essential strength of European higher education.

The event will

  • explore the strategic scope and role of Europe’s global higher education cooperation outlook and approach, through the emergent concept of inclusive excellence
  • discuss what inclusive excellence means for higher education actors in the context of global cooperation
  • look into an approach  to achieve institutional, national, and European level missions
  • provide tangible ideas for implementation to EU policymakers and stakeholders

For more information about the event, including the speakers and programme, click here.

Key Information

Date: 11 May, 1h30 – 5h30pm followed by a cocktail reception
Location: online / Bd A. Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels
OrganisersACADAAD,  DZS-CZELO, Vluhr and Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills


Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked