
Team Europe for Higher Education in Emergencies?

The protracted crisis situations around the world as well as the current war in the Ukraine demonstrate the need for impactful, lasting and future-oriented support for the concerned societies and people in need. As the crucial importance of support for the higher education sector, its students and scholars, has largely been overlooked when providing help in response to crises, this event seeks to explore new possibilities for European support to higher education in emergencies (HEiE).

The event:

  • engaged in a dialogue between representatives from the European Union, its member states, and representatives from concerned regions about the future support for HEiE – together with implementing organisations;
  • discussed recommendations from EU-funded projects and further activities to identify more synergies for future HEiE actions;
  • explored the possibilities under existing EU instruments, mainly Global Europe;
  • elaborated on a possible, more strategic and concerted European approach for HEiE.

Event Recording

Event Recording

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This event builds upon previous events organised by the DAAD and its partners:

“Creating Opportunities through Learning – Higher Education in Emergencies”
30 November 2021

The event was organised by the implementing higher education partners of the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis: the HOPES-LEB consortium – DAAD, Campus France and Nuffic; the German-Jordanian University and its partners; the NGO SPARK. These organisations gathered almost six years of experience on offering higher education in emergency situations and shared a series of recommendations on future programming with this event report [PDF 283,72 KB].

“Defending Academic Freedom by Supporting Students at Risk”
16 November 2021

The DAAD, together with the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) organised this event on students at risk, where European policy makers and stakeholders discussed how a European solution can be accomplished to help students in dreadful situations. Prior to the event, the three host organisations published a joint proposal [PDF 294,55 KB] for actions at European level in support of students at risk.

This line of discussion was taken up in a working meeting in March 2022 and resulted in an appeal to the European Commission.


Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked