
Composition of the committees of the new EU Parliament

During the constituent meeting, the committees elected their chairs and deputy chairs in mid-July 2024. This meeting is of crucial importance as it sets the framework for the work of the respective committee in the new legislative period (2024-2029). This also applies to the five of the twenty committees that play a special role in international academic exchange and European higher education and research: CULT, ITRE, BUDG, EMPL and DEVE.

30 August 2024

The Committee for Culture and Education CULT is central to the programmatic orientation and funding of the current programme in the remaining term (2021-2027) and of Erasmus+ in the next programme period (2028-2034).

The Committee for Industry, Research and Energy ITRE is responsible for the programmatic orientation and funding of the current Horizon Europe programme (2021-2027) and the next research framework programme (2028-2034).

The BUDG Budget Committee will deal with the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2028-2035. The new MFF also determines the budget for the successor programmes to Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe (FP10).

The Employment and Social Affairs Committee EMPL deals with employment policy and social issues that may also have an impact on the academic labour market and the conditions for university graduates to enter working life in the EU member states.

The DEVE Committee monitors the EU’s development policy and is important for the further development of the Global Gateway approach.

How are the five committees actually made up? Which Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are in the chair? How many members does each committee have in total? Which MEPs come from Germany? We have compiled this information for you here, along with details of the MEPs’ political groups and party affiliations:

Chair: Nela Riehl (The Greens/European Free Alliance, DE)

  1. Vice-Chair: Bogdan Zdrojewski (The European People’s Party, Poland)
  2. Vice-Chair: Emma Rafowicz (Socialists and Democrats, France)
  3. Vice-Chair: Diana Riba i Giner (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Spain)
  4. Vice-Chair: Hristo Petrov (Renew, Bulgaria)

30 members, including 3 from Germany:

  • Nela RIEHL (Chair, The Greens/European Free Alliance, Volt)
  • Sabrina Repp (Socialists and Democrats, SPD)
  • Manuela RIPA (The European People’s Party, Ecological Democratic Party)

Four MEPs from Germany, including the previous committee chair Sabine Verheyen, are involved in the CULT Committee as Vice-Chair (Sibylle Berg, NI; Marc Jongen, ESN; Erik Marquardt, The Greens/EFA; Sabine Verheyen, PPE).

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Chair: Mr Borys BUDKA (The European People’s Party, Poland)

  1. Vice-Chair: Tsvetelina PENKOVA (Socialists and Democrats, Bulgaria)
  2. Vice-Chair: Elena DONAZZAN (The European Conservatives and Reformists, Italy)
  3. Vice-Chair: Giorgio GORI (Socialists and Democrats, Italy)
  4. Vice-Chair: Yvan VEROUGSTRAETE (Renew, Belgium)

90 members, including 9 from Germany:

  • Hildegard BENTELE (The European People’s Party, CDU)
  • Michael BLOSS (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Alliance 90/The Greens)
  • Markus BUCHHEIT (Europe of Sovereign Nations, AfD)
  • Matthias ECKE (Socialists and Democrats, SPD)
  • Christian EHLER (The European People’s Party, CDU)
  • Alexandra GEESE (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Alliance 90/The Greens)
  • Jens GEIER (Socialists and Democrats, SPD)
  • Angelika NIEBLER (The European People’s Party, CSU)
  • Andrea WECHSLER (The European People’s Party, CDU).

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Chair: Johan VAN OVERTVELDT (The European Conservatives and Reformists, Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie, Belgium)

  1. Vice-Chair: Monika HOHLMEIER (The European People’s Party, Germany)
  2. Vice-Chair: Giuseppe LUPO (Socialists and Democrats, Italy)
  3. Vice-Chair: Janusz LEWANDOWSKI (The European People’s Party, Poland)
  4. Vice-Chair: Lucia YAR (Renew, Slovakia)

40 members (incl. Chair), including 7 from Germany:

  • Monika HOHLMEIER (The European People’s Party, CSU)
  • Rasmus ANDRESEN (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Alliance 90/The Greens)
  • Jens GEIER (Socialists and Democrats, SPD)
  • Thomas GEISEL (Non-attached Member, BSW)
  • Alexander JUNGBLUTH (Europe of Sovereign Nations, AfD)
  • Lukas SIEPER (Non-attached Member, Party of Progress)
  • Joachim STREIT (Renew, Free Voters).

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Chair: Li Andersson (The Left, Finland)

  1. Vice-Chair: Johan Danielsson (Socialists and Democrats, Slovakia)
  2. Vice-Chair: Jagna Marczułajtis-Walczak (The European People’s Party, Poland)
  3. Vice-Chair: Katrin Langensiepen (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Germany)
  4. Rapporteur: Romana Tomc (The European People’s Party, Slovenia)

58 members, including 7 from Germany:

  • Katrin LANGENSIEPEN (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  • Gabriele BISCHOFF (Socialists and Democrats, SPD)
  • Petr BYSTRON (Europe of Sovereign Nations, AfD)
  • Niels GEUKING (The European People’s Party, CDU)
  • Dennis RADTKE (The European People’s Party, CDU)
  • Nela RIEHL (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Volt)
  • Jan-Peter WARNKE (Non-attached Member, BSW).

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Chair: Barry ANDREWS (Renew, Fianna Fáil Party, Ireland)

  1. Vice-Chair: Isabella LÖVIN (The Greens/European Free Alliance, Sweden)
  2. Vice-Chair: Hildegard BENTELE (The European People’s Party, Germany)
  3. Vice-Chair: Abir AL-SAHLANI (Renew, Sweden)
  4. Vice-Chair: Robert BIEDROŃ (Socialists and Democrats, Poland)

25 members, including 4 from Germany:

  • Hildegard BENTELE (The European People’s Party, CDU)
  • Udo BULLMANN (Socialists and Democrats, SPD)
  • Niels GEUKING (The European People’s Party, Family Party of Germany)
  • Marc JONGEN (Europe of Sovereign Nations, AfD).

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