
DAAD presence at the EAIE in Toulouse


The annual conference of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), which took place from 17 to 20 September, is the world’s largest international higher education event, and with a record number of over 7,300 participants from 110 countries, it once again offered the higher education sector an excellent opportunity for international exchange and networking.

30 September 2024

“60 German universities and universities of applied sciences with over 90 representatives at our EAIE stand – this once again made it clear how important international exchange is for higher education institutions in Germany. I am glad that we as DAAD were able to contribute to giving German universities visibility,” emphasises Dr Kai Sicks, Secretary General of DAAD.

For DAAD, the EAIE was an excellent platform for promoting Germany and Europe as an attractive higher education destination. Contributions to different sessions and poster presentations, participation in numerous meetings and receptions, and joint organising a matchmaking aperitif between Nuffic, Campus France and the DAAD, offered a wide range of opportunities to facilitate, initiate or intensify international exchange and targeted networking between higher education stakeholders.

Another highlight of the EAIE was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to intensify cooperation between DAAD, the British Council, Campus France, the Institute of International Education (IIE) and Nuffic. “Trustful international partnerships are particularly valuable in these uncertain times. I am therefore delighted that we signed a MoU at EAIE, which will allow us to develop even closer cooperation with our partners in the future,”, states Kai Sicks.

The EAIE 2024 was the first conference since the restructuring of the organisation, which aims to attract new talent to the EAIE family with new information, participation and networking formats such as the “Communities of Practices”, mentions Peter Kerrigan from the DAAD regional branch New York, who has been actively involved in the EAIE for many years.

Embracing the beauty of difference: Moving closer to inclusive internationalisation

The session presented strategies, practices and cultures of inclusive internationalisation and explored how diversity-sensitive communication and selection processes can help to increase the participation of underrepresented groups.

EU–US exchanges in higher education: Barriers and opportunities

The transatlantic partnership in higher education is a strong and enduring alliance that plays an important role in the EU-US policy agenda and is supported by strong links between universities. The session discussed what factors promote transatlantic mobility and academic exchange and how obstacles can be overcome.

International students as ideal immigrants: How to raise their contribution to the labour market

The session discussed political and programmatic approaches in various European countries to attract students as potential specialists of tomorrow, prepare them for their studies, ensure their academic success and integrate them successfully into the labour market.

Myanmar: Academic collaboration in a politically sensitive context

The session explored how international partners can support students in Myanmar to deal sensitively with a politically difficult situation.

Spotlight on Social Responsibility

Based on the perspective of students from different backgrounds in Europe and Africa who have participated in an international civic engagement project during their studies, the EAIE Thematic Committee discussed mechanisms to support effective international civic engagement learning experiences.


The next EAIE will take place from 9 – 12 September 2025 in Gotenburg (Link).


Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked