
Eu Flag Outside European Parliament

The DAAD Branch Office Brussels

represents the DAAD in Brussels and acts as liaison between DAAD and the institutions of the European Union.


In 2024, the S-DHG Forum gathers in Brussels, Belgium on 12-13 November. This 14th gathering will be convened by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the European Commission, VLIR-UOS and the Association of Commonwealth Universities.


The electoral manifestos set out the policies, plans and priorities of the political groups for the next legislatory term (2024-2029).


From 6 to 9 June 2024, over 370 million European citizens from 27 EU member states were called to the polls to elect the European Parliament for the new legislation (2024-2029).


On 3 June 2024, Goethe-Institut Brussels and DAAD Brussels jointly invited stakeholders and policy makers to engage in interactive exchanges about cross-border teacher mobility.

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The DAAD Branch Office in Brussels

supports cooperation between the DAAD and the EU institutions.


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