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The DAAD Branch Office Brussels

represents the DAAD in Brussels and acts as liaison between DAAD and the institutions of the European Union.


As part of the DAAD project “bologna hub”, the call for applications for the “Fundamental Academic Values Award” has been published.


The DAAD-Brussels Office, the National Agency of Erasmus+ for Higher Education (NA DAAD) together with the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union invited: Effects of International Student Mobility – The Impact of Erasmus+ Grants


The Brussels Office of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) invited to its first event of the year 2024: Attracting and Retaining Talent for AI in Europe on 24 January 2024 from 09:00am-13:15 CET at Comet in Brussels.


Despite the success of initiatives to promote mobility such as Erasmus+, only a fraction of university graduates in the EU have so far completed a period abroad. As announced in its roadmap (Link), the EU Commission has now submitted a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the renewal of the framework for learning mobility.

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The DAAD Branch Office in Brussels

supports cooperation between the DAAD and the EU institutions.


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