
EU Commission proposes new measures to attract international talent

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The EU Commission wants to make Europe more attractive for skilled workers from abroad and facilitate mobility for learning purposes within the EU. To this end, it has proposed a new EU talent pool to bring employers in the EU together with jobseekers from third countries.

04 December 2023

The Commission also recommends simplifying and accelerating the recognition of qualifications acquired in third countries. As the third pillar of the talent package, the EU Commission is calling on the member states to make learning mobility within the EU an integral part of all educational pathways, from school education, vocational education and training to higher education, adult education and youth exchanges. The background to the proposals is the considerable shortage of skilled labour in the EU.

The EU Commission is therefore proposing a catalogue of measures consisting of three initiatives to make the EU more attractive to skilled workers from abroad:

  1. An EU talent pool to simplify the recruitment and hiring of skilled labour from non-EU countries. The EU talent pool will also support the implementation of talent partnerships (customised partnerships with non-EU countries for mobility for work or training purposes).
  2. Simplified and accelerated recognition of qualifications acquired in third countries in order to create better access to the EU labour market by expanding the capacities of national recognition authorities, improving the comparability of qualifications of third-country nationals and improving methods for assessing the skills of jobseekers.
  3. A Council Recommendation “Europe on the Move – Learning Mobility for All”, which aims to promote mobility in all areas of education and training.


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