
Aftermath of the 2024 European Elections (Part 1): Affiliation of EU and German MEPs with Parliamentary Groups

European Elections Night 2024 © European Union 2024 - Source : EP
From 6 to 9 June 2024, over 370 million European citizens from 27 EU member states were called to the polls to elect the European Parliament (EP) for the new legislation (2024-2029). The tasks of the EP include electing the President and members of the European Commission, as well as deciding on the EU budget. Furthermore, the EP ensures the proper functioning of other EU institutions and drafts and adopts new laws for the people of the EU.

17 June 2024

The EU average turnout was at 51.08% (provisional result), which is similar to the 2019 turnout (50.66%). In Germany, 64.8% went to the poll (2019: 61.38%). A total of 720 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will enter the EP. The majority of the MEPs belong to one of the seven transnational parliamentary groups, depending on their party affiliation and political convictions. Parliamentary groups play a central role in determining the majority. According to Parliament’s rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States. Most national parties above a certain size are members of a European political group. 72 of the 96 MEPs selected for Germany are part of five of the so far seven existing groups.

Affiliation of MEPs from Germany to the Political Groups of the European Parliament

National Party (DE) MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats

Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands/Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern

not applicable 29 (+/-0)

Familien-Partei Deutschlands

not applicable 1 (+/-0)
Overall number of MEPs in Group 190 (+14) 30

Link to election results


National Party (DE) MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats

Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands

not applicable 14 (-2)
Overall number of MEPs in Group 136 (-3) 14

Link to election results

National Party (DE) MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats

Freie Demokratische Partei

not applicable 5 (+/-0)

Freie Wähler

not applicable 3 (+1)
Overall number of MEPs in Group 80 (-22) 8

Link to election results


MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats
Overall number of MEPs in Group 76 (+7) 0

Link to election results


MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats
Overall number of MEPs in Group 58 (+9) 0

Link to election results


National Party (DE) MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats
Die Grünen

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

not applicable 12 (-9)

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei

not applicable 1 (+/-0)

Volt Deutschland


not applicable 3 (+2)
Overall number of MEPs in Group 52 (-19) 16

Link to election results


National Party (DE) MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats
Die Linke

Die Linke

not applicable 3 (-2)

Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz

not applicable 1 (+/-0)
Overall number of MEPs in Group 39 (+2) 4

Link to election results


Apart from the above listed numbers of MEPs allied to a specific political group, there are MEPs not allied to a parliamentary group: non-attached members (NI) and newly elected members (Others). In some cases, affiliation to a group may still happen until the constitution of the political groups, taking place until mid July 2024.

National Party (DE) MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats

Alternative für Deutschland

not applicable 15 (+6)
Die Partei

Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative

not applicable 2 (+1)
Overall number of MEPs in Group 45 (-17) 17

Link to election results


National Party (DE) MEPs EU & loss/gain of seats MEPs DE & loss/gain of seats

Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – Für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit

not applicable 6 (+6)

Partei des Fortschritts

not applicable 1 (+1)
Overall number of MEPs in Group 44 7

Link to election results


There is no blocking clause for the European elections in Germany. A total of eight smaller parties were able to attract enough votes to get a seat in Parliament: Die VOLT, Die Linke, Freie Wähler, Die PARTEI, Tierschutzpartei, FAMILIE ÖDP und PdF.

What comes next?

  • After election day until 15 July 2024: Constitution of the political groups
  • 16-19 July 2024: Constituent plenary sitting. Newly elected MEPs will meet in Parliament’s seat in Strasbourg until Friday 19 July to elect their President, 14 Vice-Presidents and five Quaestors. The nominal composition of the committees, including the CULT and ITRE committees, will also take place and is likely to be communicated.
  • From July 22-25, the first meetings of the newly established committees will take place, during which chairs, vice-chairs, and coordinators will be elected.
  • 16-19 September 2024 (tentative date): The election of the Commission President will take place following Parliament’s constitution. This could happen during the first session after the summer recess.
  • MEPs will also vote on the numerical composition of Parliament’s standing committees and subcommittees – thereby launching the new legislative term. The nominal composition of the committees is also likely to be communicated.

Link to post-election EP schedule




Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked