
CZEDUCON 2024: Workshop to promote the labour market integration of international students

As part of this year’s CZEDUCON, the conference on the internationalisation of higher education institutions, which took place in Prague from 18 to 20 November and attracted around 750 participants from universities, government agencies and educational organisations, the branch office was represented with a workshop on promoting the labour market integration of international students. The aim of the jointly organised workshop was to present current EU higher education policy developments, provide an insight into the DAAD’s International Experts Campus Initiative, ensure a transfer of experience from university practice and jointly develop possible solutions.  

The conference, which took place in Prague from 18 to 20 November 2024, once again focused on key topics relating to the internationalisation of universities. These included topics such as the support and well-being of students, internationalisation for all, digitalisation and international cooperation in education and research (link). The event was organised as part of the Erasmus+ Training and Cooperation Activities (TCA) by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS) in cooperation with the national agencies from Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia, including the National Agency for Erasmus+ Higher Education Cooperation (NA DAAD).

The workshop, which was co-organised by the branch office, was dedicated to the question of how universities can prepare international students specifically for working life. A holistic approach that includes career orientation, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences as well as the development of professional networks has proven to be a successful strategy for labour market integration. After analysing current higher education policy developments in the EU and presenting the Campus Initiative for International Professionals of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (link) as well as a report on experiences from higher education practice, the participants discussed the challenges currently facing higher education institutions in small groups. They exchanged views on measures already taken and developed solutions to facilitate the transition from studying to working life.


Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked