
European Commission

  • Guidelines for the next EU Commission 2024-2029

    30.08.2024: The importance of the new Commission's guidelines for higher education and research in Europe and for international academic exchange.

  • The EU Commission's new higher education package contains a blueprint for a European university degree

    28.03.2024: In line with the European Higher Education Strategy and as a strategic instrument for achieving the European Education Area, the EU Commission has published a three-part higher education package.

  • European Commission proposes Council recommendation "Europe on the move - learning mobility for all"

    Despite the success of initiatives to promote mobility such as Erasmus+, only a fraction of university graduates in the EU have so far completed a period abroad. As announced in its roadmap (Link), the EU Commission has now submitted a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the renewal of the framework for learning mobility.

  • EU Commission proposes new measures to attract international talent

    04.12.2023: The EU Commission wants to make Europe more attractive for skilled workers from abroad and facilitate mobility for learning purposes within the EU. To this end, it has proposed a new EU talent pool to bring employers in the EU together with jobseekers from third countries.

  • Boosting the potential of joint degrees in Erasmus Mundus Master Programmes

    On 30 November and 1 December, the first annual conference of the Erasmus Mundus Support Initiative (EMSI) took place in Brussels. The conference provided a platform for exchange on the added value that joint degrees offer students, higher education institutions and employers in Europe and beyond.

  • Higher Education for refugees: A necessity, not a luxury!

    On 28 April, Nuffic and DAAD, together with their partners, are hosting an event in the context of the 6th Brussels Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the Region.

  • Reflections by the Directors of the National Agencies for Education and Training

    The directors of the National Agencies with activities in the areas of education and training in Erasmus+ share a number of joint reflections on the Commissions’ proposal for the future Erasmus programme (2021-2027).



Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked