
European Commission

  • European Commission proposes Council recommendation "Europe on the move - learning mobility for all"

    Despite the success of initiatives to promote mobility such as Erasmus+, only a fraction of university graduates in the EU have so far completed a period abroad. As announced in its roadmap (Link), the EU Commission has now submitted a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the renewal of the framework for learning mobility.

  • EU Commission proposes new measures to attract international talent

    The EU Commission wants to make Europe more attractive for skilled workers from abroad and facilitate mobility for learning purposes within the EU. To this end, it has proposed a new EU talent pool to bring employers in the EU together with jobseekers from third countries.

  • Boosting the potential of joint degrees in Erasmus Mundus Master Programmes

    On 30 November and 1 December, the first annual conference of the Erasmus Mundus Support Initiative (EMSI) took place in Brussels. The conference provided a platform for exchange on the added value that joint degrees offer students, higher education institutions and employers in Europe and beyond.

  • Higher Education for refugees: A necessity, not a luxury!

    On 28 April, Nuffic and DAAD, together with their partners, are hosting an event in the context of the 6th Brussels Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the Region.

  • Reflections by the Directors of the National Agencies for Education and Training

    The directors of the National Agencies with activities in the areas of education and training in Erasmus+ share a number of joint reflections on the Commissions’ proposal for the future Erasmus programme (2021-2027).



Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked